Festivals in Frankenmuth
Enjoy unmatched value on your next visit to Frankenmuth, Michigan at the Marv Herzog Hotel by taking advantage of our hotel deals and vacation specials.

A perfect way to start the christmas season. Free hot chocolate and cookies. Ceremony starts at 6:30pm at the Frankenmuth River Place Shops. Enjoy Christmas Carols, a visit from Santa and the official lightening of the community Christmas tree.

Wein & Stein
Enjoy a night of sampling beer, wine and snacks from 5:30-9:30pm. Tickets $25 per person are available at the Frankenmuth visitor center downtown.

Crabby Clam & Lobster Fest
Benefit for whnn johnny burke children's foundation featuring king crab, clam, lobster dinners, bbq chicken and beverages. Free admission & live entertainment at Frankenmuth River Place Shops.

Scarecrow Fest
Frankenmuth has something to crow about...Scarecrows, that is. The town is full of unique and clever costumed scarecrows. Text to vote for your favorite! fall festivities also held at Frankenmuth River Place Shops.